HYS is Back

The Haverhill Youth Soccer Board of Directors has been working hard over the last week to have the City allow us to play soccer again. This morning we met with the Board of Health, provided our COVID-19 guidelines, demonstrated we are in compliance with and follow all guidelines imposed by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) and comply with all the Mass Youth Soccer Guidelines. Based on this Compliance Attestation, we are now allowed to restart soccer activities again. We will resume our season following the Columbus Day long weekend, beginning practices on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.

In order to continue to play soccer for the remainder of the season, we need to be vigilant and follow the rules. Our board members, coaches, and COVID-19 coordinators will be making sure all the rules we have previously outlined are followed. The Board of Health will also be conducting frequent inspections of our practices and games. If anyone is not following the guidelines, they will shut down our program. This is a zero tolerance policy. We need to protect our players, spectators, and volunteers. Please respect the virus and follow the rules.

  • If the player feels sick, someone in your house is sick, or you have been in close contact with anyone diagnosed or quarantining for COVID-19, please stay home.

  • Come to the field dressed and wearing a mask (ear loops only)

  • Bring plenty of water

  • Only 1 spectator per player

  • All spectators must wear a mask at all times and social distance from the other spectators (minimum of 6 feet)

  • There are not be no gatherings in the parking lot or any soccer get-togethers before or after games. This is how COVID-19 has spread in other sports. If we start to get cases within soccer, we will be shut down.

If you cannot comply with these rules and the guidance, please let me know and do not attend the practices or games.

In addition, anyone that has not already completed the required registration on the City of Haverhill Rec website https://haverhillrec.activityreg.com/selectactivity_t2.wcs?leaguesid=688 will not be allowed to play until it is complete. This is to allow for contact tracing and is a requirement of the City. Most people have completed it, but some haven't.

As far as the schedule, the In-Town teams will follow the previous schedule, beginning with the listed games for 10/17/20. The games missed will be made up during the week in lieu of some practice days. We will not be extending the season. We will provide these makeup days later next week. The 2 Saturdays missed for Development will not be made up. It would run too late into November.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. We look forward to seeing you next week!


The Haverhill Journal On the Go Features HYS


All Soccer Activities Put on Hold