City of Haverhill Mask Guidance Update

We are excited to announce that based on the revised guidelines announced by the governor yesterday, Mass Youth Soccer has amended their facial covering policy. Haverhill Youth Soccer is adopting this change that is effective today:

For Youth aged 18 years and under when outdoors and engaged in moderate risk sports (soccer), a mask will not be required. Players will be required to continue to wear a face covering (mask) when entering and exiting the facility, in all common areas where 6’ of social distancing cannot be maintained and on the bench when not engaged in playing on the field. At their parent’s discretion, players may continue to wear a mask while playing soccer.

In addition, they city of Haverhill has permitted us to change our spectator policy as follows:

Spectators must wear facial coverings when entering and leaving a facility and in all common areas. Spectators may remove their mask only when seated and 6’ from the next spectator group. Family units from the same household do not need to distance, but should remain 6’ from the next spectator group.

We have also removed our cap of two adult spectators per child.

Please note that all credentialed volunteers, including coaches and covid coordinators, are still required to wear a mask. We expect there is a good chance this will also be updated come May 29th.

Links to all guidelines can be found on our COVID-19 page.

Please be familiar with these as again, some rules are still in place.

As the ones who have made the biggest sacrifices to be on the field, the children should be commended for how they have adapted over the last few seasons. Also, a big thanks to all of you that have adhered to our policies this season and last. We are even more excited for the remainder of the season!


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