The Kicker - Oct 2022

Hello Everyone!

The season is cruising along and hope that all of our kids, (and parents) are enjoying every practice and game as we begin to wind down.  It always seems to feel that just as we are getting into the full swing of things, the time begins to grow short and before you know it, we'll be trading in our cleats for snow boots.


Our enormously popular Tot-Soccer program wrapped up this weekend and HYS could not be happier to see a new crop of young players smiling with their shiny new medals.  We look forward to seeing these kiddos back in the spring!

BINGO NIGHT:  By all accounts, our first ever Music Bingo fundraiser was a massive success.  Not only were we able to raise some money, but perhaps more importantly, many parents got to spend time socializing and building community.  We hope this will become an annual event.  Special shout out to the bingo committee, Shannon Osgood, David Lefcourt, Jackie Lessard, & Caitlin Roy.

SANTA PARADE: HYS plans to participate in this year's VFW Santa Parade.  Last year, many parents expressed an interest in building a float.  It's a great idea, but if we're going to do it, we need a volunteer to lead that up.  If you are interested and able to lead that effort, please email us at .   Otherwise, we'll march again, which is still a very good time and great publicity for our organization.

HELP WANTED! :  As always, we are looking for new people to inject fresh energy into HYS.  We are always looking for coaches, (and the coming off season is a great time to take an online course.).  There are other kinds of opportunities too!  To learn more, email

DID YOU KNOW? - If you are a coach for your child's team and have the appropriate license, you can be reimbursed for your child's registration fees?  To learn more go to:

SOCCER PARENTING ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP:  We have secured a FREE membership with Soccer Parenting Asscoiation.  Click here to sign up.  There are TONS of resources for parents, players and coaches.  We're so lucky to have supportive parents during games, and rarely do we ever have problems with bad behavior.  Still... this is important, and worth 15 minutes or every parent's time.  The Soccer Parenting Association has a short course called "The Sideline Project".  Once you have your free membership, click "COURSES" in the navigation bar and select "The Sideline Project.”


Our friends at Become Elite Soccer have several winter indoor offerings including training and Sunday leagues up at Phanzone in Hampstead, NH. Go to for full details.


Fields Closed - Monday Oct 24 - Los campos estan cerrados


Kicker en español - OCT 2022