Fall 2020 - Update
We are looking forward to beginning the soccer season. This year has been a challenge with all the new requirements and uncertainty COVID-19 brings. There are changes every day that we need to manage.
We would like to announce that we are delaying the season 1 week to allow us to come into compliance with all the new regulations, train our coaches, and provide informational meetings to our community. The new start to the season will be September 26th. We will also let you know when practices will start, but it is based on completion of the information below.
Informational Meeting
HYS will be holding a Zoom informational meeting on September 18th at 7:00 PM. We encourage all parents/guardians to attend. Players are welcome to attend as well, but must have a parent present during the meeting. The Zoom link can be found below. If you have questions about the season, please send them to us prior to the meeting so we can prepare an answer.
Topic: HYS Parent Informational Meeting
Time: Sep 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Contract Tracing
The City of Haverhill has instituted a new requirement that all players/coaches must be registered with the City Rec department. This is to allow for contact tracing. We will not be granted our permits or allowed to play on City fields until everyone from each team registers. The link to register your player is below. If you have multiple players, you need to register them all.
Player Waiver
We also need a signed waiver for all players before they are allowed to practice or play. We need a separate one for each player. You can either scan it and send it back or take a picture and email it back to us.
There is a lot of information on the web about the modifications to the game this year and the requirements for us to play soccer as a moderate risk sport. I hope you all take some time to review it and understand how it will impact the game this season. We are including a few links to the Mass Youth Soccer website that help explain the changes and requirements.
We look forward to a successful and safe season. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.
We will see you in a few weeks.