HYS Meets With City About Field Improvements

HYS Board Advocates for Better Fields

On Thursday, December 9, The HYS Executive Committee and Director of Fields* met with Mayor James Fiorentini and Human Services Director, Mr. Vincent Ouellette to discuss better fields and increased options for soccer space in Haverhill. It was a terrific conversation and produced some good ideas ranging from replacing permanent goals at Consentino with movable ones, to possibilities at other fields in the city and some major improvements at some current fields. These changes will not happen overnight, but we will continue to advocate for our players and collaborate with the city so that soccer better fields in our city.

Here’s a link to the presentation we shared with the Mayor: https://bit.ly/3oPAd08

If you are interested in helping us with improving our fields, please send us a direct message on facebook or email the Board members at board@haverhillyouthsoccer.org

  • HYS Executive Committee

    • Evan Barman, President

    • Ashley Derman, Vice-President

    • Justin Walters, Treasurer

    • Marcel Phillippe

  • Director Of Fields, Eddie Felker




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