The Kicker May 2022
Hi Everyone! - First..... WEATHER ALERT - It will be very hot this weekend. Make sure that you bring plenty of water to your games. HYS will strictly adhere to the Mass Youth Soccer weather policy -
Welcome to the May edition of The Kicker. Our Development and In Town games kicked off on Saturday, April 30 with nearly 400 players taking the field. We saw lots of smiling faces! On May 8, we launched our pilot TOT soccer program. What fun! There were about 18 players having quite the kickabout (In groups of only six players each). By all accounts, this program is already a hit with the kids and parents. We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in coaching, fundraising, painting fields or something else, please email us at
There are just two weeks left in the Spring Travel season, and many of our teams are poised to make the Essex County playoffs. Good luck to all of those players and teams!
If you are considering registering your child for NEXT year's travel program, you need to do it soon! You only have until May 31, and it is important to remember that there will not be an in-town program for 7th and 8th graders, so Travel will be the only HYS option for those players. Many divisions are nearing capacity, but we have a waitlist, as we hope to add more teams. To learn more about the program and register, go to
Coach Bryan Reynolds - Grade 6 Boys Travel
Coach Bryan Reynolds - Grade 6 Boys Travel
How many years have you been coaching soccer? - "6 Years"
With just HYS or elsewhere too? - "Just HYS as of now, however I am in the process of getting my US Soccer D license to continue coaching at a higher level in the future if an opportunity arises."
Why do you do it? - "I do it for my son, who loves everything about the game."
Favorite soccer team? - "Liverpool FC"
Coaching Philosophy: "All players have a role in defending."
Please take our family survey. It will help us get to know you and serve you better.
Please, please, please... remember that this is for the kids!! Players come to the game expecting to have fun. By all means, cheer for them!!! But please avoid the temptation to coach your child from the parent line. Want to know why? Check out THE SIDELINE PROJECT and take the Sideline Pledge . Finally, please show support to the referees. There is a shortage of them and we are lucky to have them. Even if they make a call you don't like, remember they are human too.
Play on!
HYS Board of Directors